Thank You
I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for teaching me that the only person I can trust is myself. Thank you for teaching me how to be strong. Thank you for teaching me how to love. Thank you for teaching me that life is short. Thank you for teaching me that words don’t mean anything.
Thank you for teaching me how to open up and let someone in. Thank you
for teaching me why I should never do that again. Thank you for teaching
me to always trust my instincts. Thank you for teaching me how to stand
up for myself, even when I’ve been treated like I was worthless. Thank
you for teaching me that I actually do have a big heart, deep down.
Thank you for teaching me that the only person I can depend on is
myself. Thank you for teaching me that suffering is optional. And
lastly, thank you for teaching me that when life throws me a curve ball,
I can still hit a home run.
Reblog from tumblr // secretlyloved
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