I've been feeling this bad condition for the past week. Mungkin karena cuaca yang kurang mendukung sehingga udara di sekitar menjadi semakin dingin. Flu dan demam pun sudah bukan sesuatu yang awam di musim hujan ini. When I get a cold, saya langsung mencoba berbagai cara untuk meredakannya, seperti banyak minum air mineral, mengonsumsi vitamin C, obat pereda flu, dan vitamin lainnya untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Saya juga menjaga badan saya tetap hangat dengan memakai jaket dan kaos kaki sepanjang hari. But it didn't help much! :(
Hal ini semakin memburuk sejak tadi malam, saya mulai gelisah dan tidak bisa tidur nyenyak. Namun, kemudian saya teringat satu hal yang terbukti efektif untuk meredakannya, yaitu honey-lemon-tea that I drink as soon as I wake up. Well, there's no tea in this tea, but it's so good.
As long as I read,
"Lemons contain both vitamins as well as anti-inflammatory properties.
Honey soothes your throat and inhibits certain infection-causing
bacteria. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests drinking
hot tea with honey and lemon as a treatment for colds and flu."
So here's the recipe and how to make it.
Preparation: 1-2 min.
Serves: 1 person.
- A half or 1 tbsp of fresh lemon (organic is better)
- 2 tbsp of honey (raw/organic is better)
- A half cup of hot water (it should be cooled a little but still hot enough to melt the honey)
Put fresh juice and honey into a cup or a mug. Add hot water and stir. You can add more honey however sweet you want it to be. Voila! Your healthy drink is done.
(Kalau kamu suka, kamu bisa menambahkan jahe pada minuman ini, tapi biasanya saya hanya menambahkan jahe pada minuman yang benar-benar mengandung teh saja hehe.)
Don't forget to share your experience with honey-lemon-tea in the comment
box below. And now, please excuse me to take some rest. See you.
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